Themed Bay Port Instagram accounts have seemingly taken local social media by storm recently, amassing hundreds of followers from Bay Port students.
“My favorite Bay Port Instagram account is Bad Parking,” senior Sierra Susa said. “The captions are really funny, and it keeps things interesting.”
The Bay Port Bad Parking page has 869 followers and posts pictures of students’ terrible parking. The account relies on people taking pictures and submitting them to be featured on the page.
“We know it’s all good fun,” Sierra said.
Since Bay Port Bad Parking popped up on Instagram, more accounts have followed. Some are innocent fun, like BP Pets, but not all of these pages have a positive impact on the student body.
“I think ‘Bay Port Thots’ and ‘Pick-me People’ are really toxic,” Sierra said. “It has a really negative outlook and even slut-shames girls.”
She thinks these kinds of accounts are getting out of hand and target specific people. Some accounts are not heavily followed, but the number of accounts and posts made show how many people really want to join in on the trend.
“Bay Port Sleepyheads is my favorite,” senior Morgan Lemens said. “It really just makes me smile.”
BP Sleepyheads has 676 followers, trailing behind the most popular BP Bad Parking. Students have said that the Sleepyheads account makes them feel more compelled to stay awake during class, for risk of getting their picture taken and ending up on social media. Other students say that they try to park better so that they don’t end up on the Bad Parking page.