Senior feature: BP student climbs nationwide ranks for armwrestling

Senior Cole Kasper poses with medals he won at a Minnesota event. He has high hopes of getting awarded more in the future, especially for his upcoming tournament in April. Photo submitted by Cole Kasper

While competitive armwrestling is not a heavily followed sport, senior Cole Kasper hopes to change that and inspire others with his lifelong passion.

Cole has been armwrestling since he was 11-years-old, and wants to continue competing for the rest of his life.

“Having the ability to dedicate my life to becoming better at something is what I am truly thankful for,” Cole said. “It makes me feel empowered and I truly feel like I was meant for this sport.”

For seven years, Cole has worked very hard to get where he is. It takes a lot of training and dedication. Cole partakes in armwrestling related strength training, usually going to the gym before and after school. He also said that powerlifting is another sport he shares his passion with.

Cole arm wrestles his opponent at the Minnesota tournament. It was his first time beating someone ranked in the nation.

Cole is the youngest to ever be ranked in North America, being the first junior world champion from the United States. 

“I am ranked 4th left handed and 8th right handed in North America,” said Cole. “I compete at a very high level in the 154 lb professional division with the adults.”

Majority of athletes have an inspiration, a motivation for them to work as hard as they do. It can make them feel invincible when they are at a rough point; the athlete can think back to that person, place, or thing that drives their spirit during a competition or training.

“My biggest motivation is my older brother. I looked up to him like a superhero when I was younger,” Cole said. “He was also very dedicated to his athletic endeavors and was respected by everyone.”

Cole stated how amazing it feels to compete all over the United States. Competitions can have athletes feel or think many different things, but have their way to make it positive and bring their confidence through the roof.

“Whenever I compete, I’m very anxious and excited at the same time,” Cole said. “When I walk up to the table, the person on the other side is trying to stop me from achieving my goals. I put a lot into this sport, so I have to make sure that I impose my will and do my best to win each match.”

Armwrestling isn’t the only thing Cole wants to do for a living. 

“I’m planning on going to college for a kinesiology degree,” Cole said. “I would be able to train athletes and be a strength coach to help others pursue their athletic endeavors.”

With this sport being so unheard of, people may find this to be interesting and it sparks their interest. Any athletics may be nerve wracking in general, and Cole can relate highly to that; however, he is there to help anyone who has the same dreams to do what he does.

“If there is anyone that’s interested in armwrestling, go for it! I highly encourage you to find a local tournament and see what happens,” Cole said.

Cole is very excited to pursue his sport and his college education for the rest of his life. He’s hopeful to get better and better at each tournament. April 2, Cole will be competing in a supermatch at Kellogg Arena in Michigan to defend his 4th place ranking in North America.

“I’m honored to have the opportunity to compete in one of the biggest tournaments in the state,” Cole said in a recent instagram post.

There are a lot of questions, especially with the summer Olympics adding more sports for the world to see. So just maybe, armwrestling will get a huge debut in the future.